Personal vs. Business Microsoft Accounts

As part of connecting your Microsoft Advertising account to Adzooma you may be prompted to choose between a Personal and a Business Microsoft account.

There are many reasons why this choice may be offered to you, usually the email address associated with the account will have been linked to both types of Microsoft account. Unfortunately Adzooma is not in control of this process and we can't guarantee the best course of action however the most likely way to proceed is to ask yourself one question.

"Do you work for an organisation that has a work-owned Azure or Microsoft Office 365 environment?"

If that answer is "Yes" and your Microsoft Advertising account already exists you likely need to use the Business Option, if the answer is "No" you most likely need to utilise the "Personal" option. 

Please note that selecting the wrong option may mean we cannot access details in your account. If this happens please try removing your account and re-adding it via the other set of details.

You can read the official Microsoft help guidance here: Microsoft Support Article

Receiving a Personal/Business Account Error

It is possible for a Microsoft Advertising account to be moved under an organisation after its initial creation as a personal account. In this case, Adzooma may lose access to your account and you may be presented with an error stating "Your account cannot be accessed because of Personal/Business account settings". 

In these scenarios, we recommend removing and re-adding your account with the new details. 

Please note again Adzooma is not in control of this process and you may need support from your IT department or Microsoft to solve access control issues.